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 “みんなのしるし”は、岩手県大船渡市を活動拠点に2012年から、文化・芸術による復興活動に取り組んできました。「アジア神々の系譜」は、“みんなのしるし”が2013年から国内外の様々なアーティストと共に大切に温めてきた舞台作品を軸としたプロジェクトです。 そして今回、文化庁委託事業「平成30年度 戦略的芸術文化創造推進事業」に採択されました。
「アジア神々の系譜」は、その貴重な文化遺産である民俗芸能に焦点をあて、そのエッセンスを演劇というフィールドで展開することによってレゾナンス(共鳴)を生み出す、ソーシャルプロジェクトです。今年度は、地域発信型のミュージカル作品 ( 宮城県発作品、岩手県発作品  )と、海外被災地のアーティストと協働した国際作品(インドネシア発作品)の3作品を創出し、2020年オリンピアードに向かって「beyond 2020」への参加に取り組んで参ります。
【Encounter of the Asian spirits   〜All folks gather one〜】
Minna-no-Shirushi LLC has started since 2012, based in Ofunato City in Iwate.
We have been working to reconstruct the disaster area by means of Culture and Arts.
"Encounter of the Asian spirits ~All forks gather one~" is a project based on theatrical performances: We have been working out since 2013 by cooperating with a lot of artists inside/outside Japan.
At last, this project was adopted as the Agency for Cultural Affairs commissioned business;the work of
the Strategic Program in Creating and Promoting Arts and Culture in 2019.
"Raiho-shin; ritual visits of deities in masks and costumes" was designated as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2018 such as Namahage (Oga City in Akita) or Suneka (Ofunato City in Iwate) though, prior to this, Sanriku area has been said as a treasure house of traditional performing arts and it's unlikely any other in the world. There are over 2,000 only along the coast of Sanriku area.
Traditional performing arts in Sanriku have been the element in the area to keep communities and people connect for a long time, with an aim of praying or reposing of souls.
In "Encounter of the Asian spirits ~All forks gather one~" project, we focus on the traditional performing arts which we recognize as important cultural heritage, and set up resonance by putting the essences into theatrical performances. 
In this year, we create 3 theatrical performing works; 2 musicals originated from each regions (works based in Iwate and in Miyagi) and an international work cooperated with an artist who's been living in the disaster area oversea (a work based in Indonesia).
We will participate in "Beyond 2020", the Cultural Program of Olympics and Paralympics in 2020.
Moreover, after 2020, we will inherit the works for next generations as cultural asset in the area, provide the works continuously as contents to increase exchange population in Sanriku and settlers, and develop a new way of "reconstruct tourism" by using them.
Our aim is grow a symbiotic relationship between community and arts; we will try to beyond "arts for appreciating".

